
Giveaway! Coupon Binder, LOADED with items!


As my gift to you for Valentines Day, I want to give away this week a coupon binder!
Now, this is MINE below...
Yours will be a zipper binder, with pages, dividers, coupons and an All You magazine!

You can load your with your coupons and see how you like it!

I love the binder method, I think it is the easiest way to store coupons and use them at the store.

So, leave a comment telling us...
 what your plans are for Valentines Day?!

For additional entries, blog, tweet, follow or facebook this giveaway! Leave a separate comment if you do!



  1. My plan is to spend time with a few friends for Vday :)

  2. My plan is to spend it with my kids and hopefully my husband. He is currently out to sea (Navy) but is supposed to be back in before Valentine's day :)

  3. I'm gonna spend it with my hubby and baby lounging around the house!

  4. I also follow you on facebook! :)

  5. I'll work v-day evening, but I'll have a family fun day with my husband and 2-year-old daughter first! Then Mommy and Daddy will celebrate a much needed date night on Tuesday without the crowds!

  6. My birthday is Feb 13 so my hubby and I go out to eat on that day then we stay home and have a really nice meal that I cook for Valentines day and avoid the crowds at the restaurants. Now that we have kids we enjoy the really nice meal with them and they really enjoy the whole candle light dinner fun, too.

  7. wow that is organized!!! i think we will just be relaxing this valentines! :)

  8. I'm going to clip coupons! Just Kidding :0) Hopefully my husband and I can find someone to watch our four daughters so we can go out to dinner.

  9. following you through twitter now!

  10. We're planning a nice quiet date (either at home or someplace simple) since I'm recovering from surgery. Should be fun!

  11. Also, I'm a new follower. Love your blog so far!

  12. my plans are to have a lazy day at home and love on my little one

  13. i'm a fb fan

  14. I would cry if I won this. I NEED it sooo much! Anyhow, I am planning to lounge with the fam on VDAY. Maybe we will make some nice cupcakes and let the kids decorate or something cute like that. Good luck to all.

  15. We won't be getting our taxes back until the 16th so we will be celebrating our Valentines day then since we are both unemployed currently, probably a movie and dinner! Anytime spent with my honey is special.

  16. For V-day I am going to make my family a nice dinner. Hubby and I can't go out that night, so we are going to make it a nice family event.

  17. I am a fan of yours on facebook!

  18. I am planning on spending my Valentines day crossing my fingers that I win the binder!! :)

  19. My favorite date for Valentine's is to go to dinner at a nice restaurant and then go to a movie. We usually do not go out on Valentine's Day though. Sometime before or after to beat the crowds!

  20. Okay we're hanging out w/ the kiddos! The 19th is our 10 year anniversary so we're going for dinner and to see the movie Valentines Day! So basically it Valentines day just 5 days later!!!

  21. umm, I don't have any plans for Valentines Day! :( but probably spend the day with my tifani!

  22. For Valentines day I just plan on making some yummy treats and spending the day with my husband and two kids. We went out last weekend to beat the valentines day rush.

  23. Even though it's our first married Valentine's Day, we want to keep it pretty low-key. We'll probably spend the day at the dog park with our furbabies and then go out some place nice to eat after (we're celebrating on Saturday since V-Day is a Sunday... at least we won't have to fight for a table!)

  24. No plans... lame, I know! Maybe the hubby will surprise me.

    First time on your blog. Such a nice looking family. I grew up in a very large family and loved it. So far I have 3 of my own...

  25. Both my best friend and I have boyfriends/husbands who are jobless currently (sad) so she's making a fabulous dinner and I'll make a decadent dessert and we'll just have a low-key evening together :)

  26. I tweeted about this: http://twitter.com/monicabanuelo74

  27. Be grumpy that I have to sit through class all weekend while my hubby and daughter are at home! Only a few more months though and then I graduate in May with my Masters Degree in Education:) Yippy!

  28. My husband - who is in the Army - has to work that day from 7am-11pm, so I think I am going to make it a day to romance our two little boys - heart shaped pancakes, strawberry smoothies, homemade valentines... I have to finish planning the day, but I'll make it something special for them and have something special for the man when he gets home from work that night!

  29. my plan is to be with my hubby and daughter!

  30. No plans except staying in and making the family a special dinner.

  31. We are going out to eat and just enjoying time spent together. Just keeping it simple!

  32. Plans will include breakfast in bed with my honey then movies then out to our favorite place to get our grub on! YUMMMOOO

  33. I follow you on facebook :)

  34. Most likely Valentine's will be spent with the hubs for a bit and then back to taxes. Tax season waits for no one!

  35. Blogged about it!

  36. dinner out with hubby early in the weekend to celebrate vday.

  37. My plans for Valentine's Day includes going to church that morning, going eat somewhere with my husband, then that night a new study starts at our church on the End Times(Return of the King)! I think I'm more excited about that study then the holiday!:)


  38. I usually have to work on Sundays, so I am figuring that is what I will be doing :(
    kari kariandjonthan@hotmail.com

  39. I posted a link on facebookabout the giveaway! kari kariandjonathan@hotmail.com

  40. Our Youth Group at church is providing babysitting on Saturday night (as a fundraiser) and our small group is having a cheese & chocolate fondue while the kids play at church!

  41. My plan is to fix a special heart shaped pancake breakfast for the loves of my life.

  42. I make a special valentine's day dinner. i make a heart shaped meatloaf with ketchup on top, pink mashed potatoes and homemade heart shaped biscuits. we have a special valentine note box that is left out for weeks before the holiday with heart shaped slips of paper. everyone can write little notes to each other saying why they like them or what they think is special about them. we read them at dinner. we also exchange homemade cards. it is my favorite holiday so i try to share it with the entire family.

  43. We are having a special black and white dinner at my mom's with my sister too (whose husband is deployed.)

  44. I plan on cooking my hubby a steak dinner. Hopefully grandma can watch the little one.


  45. Going to spend it with my hubby and two girls, going to lunch then a movie!

  46. My husband will be spending Valentine's with his dad, who is terminally ill. I will stay home with our little ones. Not romantic, but the way love plays out in real life...

  47. For V-day, I get to work a PM shift and hubby works a NOC. =P chibiepona@gmail.com

  48. Our newborn is going to grandma's for the night, DH and I are going out for sushi and then back home for some much needed alone time.

  49. We don't usually go out on Valentine's Day, but sometimes we try to go out on a night near that date. I always get candy for my husband and children. For dinner, I try to make their favorite meal and a yummy, chocolate cake for dessert.

  50. My new baby will be four weeks old on Valentine's Day, so there is not a lot of romance in the cards for us this year. If we are lucky, we will be able to watch a DVD at home, then maybe, baby permitting, even go to bed at the same time and cuddle a little. =)

  51. I always give the kids a big Valentine's Day breakfast with pink heart pancakes and fun cups, plates, napkins and decorations. I like to leave Valentine's on the doorstep for them before they go to bed and ring the doorbell and then hide. Then when the kids go to bed my husband and I like to have a quiet dinner together and cuddle on the couch for a movie. I love it!

  52. nothing, my husbands overseas. When he gets back we will celebrate by going out to dinner, just the two of us and reconnecting.


  53. My hubby always plans Valentine's Day! He tries to out-do himself each year. Who knows whats in store this year????

  54. my plans on for valentine's day will be to spend it with my 2 favorite people, my husband and 3 mo. old daughter! since it falls on a sunday this year, we are going to pull out the hide-a-bed in the living room, veg out and watch movies. we don't need fancy restaurants, jewelry, or chocolate this year...our daughter is the best valentine's gift we could give each other. happy valentine's <3

  55. My hubby is flying the kids and I out to Utah to escape all the snow as a spur of the moment Valentines gift! --if we can get out (we're east coasters)....YAY!! So for Valentines the kids and I will be traveling back home... :(

  56. My valentine's day plans include spending time with my boyfriend and relaxing :) That's my favorite part.

    Thanks for the entry. What a nice giveaway!


  57. We will be at worship services on Sunday morning and evening. So we will celebrate on Saturday. My husband and I will have a nice lunch out and then come home to celebrate with the kiddos.

  58. We will be spending the day doing crafts. tracing our hands and making daddy's valentine's telling him he is "hand-some" and making valentines for grandparents with the free cards from "seehere". A special dinner is in order and daddy will be so happy to eat our heart shaped cookies. Happy valentine's day to all, spread the love


  59. My husband works until 6 on Sundays, so I will prepare a special dinner of all his favorite foods for him to enjoy when he gets home. Then we'll probably watch a movie together. Our only real plan is to spend as much time together as possible! :)

  60. daughters b-day is just days before so we'll be celebrating that way! we are having a dinner with close friend on v-day!

  61. We'll be headed to church and then have a great meal together...maybe a movie and hopefully a fun day outside...hoping for sunshine and above 40 degrees ;)

  62. My husband works this weekend, so I planned on having a girls night with my kiddos. Renting movies, popcorn, and candy! It will be great.

  63. I have great plans for Valentines Day, but I'm afraid with the snow we might not get to it. (We have 3 feet on the ground now and are expecting 10-20 more inches today/tomorrow.) The plan is to drop our kiddos off for a slumber party at Grandmas, then we are going to dinner at a nearby hotel. (We are paying for the majority of it with a $25 restaurants.com GC that I got for free with Coke points.) Then we are going to the movies to see Dear John. (Paid for with 2 free movie tickets from last weeks Axe deal!) We are never able to go out without the kids, and we can't normally afford to anyway, so we are both so excited!

  64. I am so excited about this Valentine's Day. I have a little girl who is almost 2 and while I have spent the night away from her, it has always been for events that I have to get up early for the next day. Well, we are going to San Antonio this weekend where my mom lives. She has offered to take my daughter while my hubby and I get a hotel (name your own price on priceline!), eat at Outback (gift certificate and free appetizer coupon!), and see a movie (free movie tickets!)...followed by a well deserved sleeping in! Oh, and maybe some other stuff! :) Thanks for this giveaway!

  65. My plan is to spend the day with my husband and kids. Our tradition is I make macaroni & cheese for Valentine's dinner. I had to work late the first year we married, so I got home late and made macaroni straight out of the box. My husband has never let me forget it.

  66. I am going to be at a hockey tournament on Valentine's Day..with the hubby of course!

    Would love to win that binder...!

    Have a great day!

  67. Nice quiet dinner at home..

  68. My plans for V-day are to attend a UW Womens Basketball game with my family.
    denise N.

  69. I am a follower. denise N.

  70. My husband and I just got news that WE GOT OUR NEW HOUSE! So we will be spending Valentine's Day painting and cleaning to prepare our brood of 6 for the big move!

  71. For Valentines Day I will be enjoying family! My Dad and Brother are driving 12 hours to be with me and my husband, I am due with my first baby this friday so I may be leaving the hospital on Valentines Day :)

  72. My plan, although I may end up doing it alone (hubby doesn't want to, but I think it would be fun, and the kids can't really come anyway, so why not?) is going to the KIA dealership and test-driving the '11 Sorrento(?) to get the $25 visa gift card that Hip2Save posted about. Why spend when you can get paid, right? ha! Then maybe get back in our van and eat heart-shaped sandwiches I'd made at home. This just keep getting better, I know your husbands are all envious ;)

  73. My Valentine's plans stink this year. I am in my final months of graduate school and I have a class this weekend, all weekend. My fiance is going to have to work also, so at least he won't be sitting at home without me.

  74. Our family tradition for Valentines Day is a family taco night here at home. We will get a small gift for the kids but we really just want to show them that sharing family time and loving each other is what's important.

  75. I follow you on here and am posting about it on facebook.

  76. We decided early in our marrige, that we didn't need a special day to treat each other special, we should do that every day of the year. I know cheesy, but I like it, my Valentine's day lasts all year long.

  77. My husband will be Volunteering at Church most of the day on Valentine's day but we will have a nice meal at home together. Not spend any money and just relax.

  78. I'm gonna spend it with my hubby and baby

  79. I also posted on my facebook

  80. I'm going to make homemade sugar cookies and decorate them with my sweeties! (kids and husband)

  81. My girls and I are going to make daddy breakfast in bed then spend the day playing games and staying in our PJ's. Daddy is going to make us one of his famous steak dinners!!

  82. I am going to stay home and do something special with my kids.

  83. Me and the hubby are going to (hopefully) the Biltmore house this Valentine's Day for the first time to check it out. We're snowed in currently, so I'm praying we're able to make it.

  84. Thus far we made Daddy Valentine's & wrote out sch valentines. We are up North, already have 2 ft. on the ground, and might be getting another 2 ft. o my planning has beem limted, to say the least ;)

  85. We have a fun family dinner planned.

  86. We are going to stay home and have some family time, just us and our 4 little ones. Then we are going to go see a movie. Yay!

    I would LOVE to win the coupon binder. Thanks for another awesome giveaway. :-)

    Hope you and your family have a great Valentine's Day!

  87. Oh ! You will love this...we are actually going to an intro seminar for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class at a nearby church !
    LJ Harper

  88. I hope to go out on a date with my hubby. We have been moving and are expecting a baby very soon so there is much to do at home, hopefully we can at least go out to eat. I really would like this coupon binder! I am totally unorganized when it comes to coupons!

    Lori D, in OK

  89. My parents are having a dinner for all of the couples in our family on saturday night. Should be nice and relaxing especially since I won't have to cook ;p

  90. My husband and I will both be working this Saturday, but it is ok because I am bartending at a dance so i will probably make enough money to make it worth my while! There is always next weekend for a date night, and places will probably be less crowded lol.

  91. My plans for Vday are to pick up my sister from the airport! I can't wait!! We're going to make an awesome dinner and then watch couples retreat on demand since Ben will be out of town. I REALLY hope I win this time because you'd laugh at how pathetic my coupon envelope is. hahaha!

  92. I follow your blog. Does that give me another entry?

  93. Facebook entry being sent out now. Phew. I really better win now :)

  94. We don't really have plans!


  95. My husband and I went out this past weekend because my mom was visiting. FREE babysitter!!!

  96. Planning on breakfast in bed, church in the morning, maybe an afternoon nap :), quick Bible study at church late afternoon, and then a yummy dinner at home. Will probably try to go up to Cheesecake Factory to pick up dessert on Saturday to avoid some of the craziness at all of the restaurants!

  97. Plan on hanging out with my little girl and my sexy husband :)


  98. Valentines!! Hanging with the kiddos and lovin' up on them (I don't do it often enough)!

  99. We're going to be babysitting our friends kids so they can go out and celebrate. I'll probably make a large breakfast for everyone to enjoy.

    lv4luv3 *at* cox *dot* net

  100. My third child was born on Valentine's Day, so this year our Valentine's plans include 8 yelling 8 year olds and hot dogs. How romantic!!

  101. We are heading to the Oregon Coast this weekend with the whole family! Can't wait!

  102. Every year a bunch of our friends get together and make a special dinner. Everyone cooks something. then we usually play some bored games. Good, cheap, fun!

  103. Hubby and I are going to see the movie Valentines day and cooking dinner at home!

  104. i'm planning tri tip and sliced potato and cheese bake for dinner and stay home for the night


  105. We will be staying home and having a candle light dinner. We are doing this as a part of getting out of debt quicker. :)

  106. I don't know, Jeff is in charge. I made him a squirrel valentine card though, I think it turned out cute.

  107. Celebrating birthday and V'Day with dinner out with my husband.

  108. My hubby is out of town, so I will be sending him a card with promise to celebrate whenever he gets back to town... So my actual day will be with my kiddos... church, lunch, and awanas.


  110. We will be celebrated Saturday instead of Sunday. Hopefully my husband will take me out to a nice dinner.

  111. Since we are supposed to get snow this weekend, we will probably relax, cook in and have a bottle of wine.

  112. Since we are supposed to get snow this weekend, we will probably relax, cook in and have a bottle of wine. Nikki Corbin

  113. For Valentine's Day (Saturday night actually), I got a free voucher for the Hilton Galleria. Last year for Valentine's, we lost electricity for 4 hours, so we got a free night to use within the next year. And so this morning I bought 4 bags of Huggies at Walgreens for $3.99 for my stockpile.... in case I conceive this Valentine's Day. :-)

  114. My husband and I are going to let our daughters dress up and we will make a kid friendly dinner and dessert at home .... complete with candelight and flowers. Fun and inexpensive!

    I really want to win the binder - pick me please!


  115. Nothing planned, just a nice day at home with the family.

    Love your site!



  116. Not at all romantic, but we are spending valentine's day butchering meat. Hey, on a farm, you never get a day off for a holiday, not even for Christmas!


  117. My husband has to work but when the girls and I get up there will be flowers and gifts. My girls and I will spend the day watching movies and snacking out.

    Risingsouth at aol dot com

  118. I am a follower.

    Risingsouth at aol dot com

  119. where did you find our Case-It binder? and what is the model #? I have been looking for one of these FOREVER since I saw Frugal Dr. Mom with one! Thanks!

    I follow you and I'm a subscriber.

  120. Every Valentine's day we go to the same restaurant. Its on the more expensive side, and its the only time we go. This year we can't afford to go because I hit a deer with my car :( and we don't have the extra money. Hubby knows I feel badly about it so he said he is going to cook me a special dinner instead....

  121. Hi Tiff........We are going out for a romantic dinner.....can't hardly wait! My husband is the best.

  122. I get your blog by email

    Thanks Jane

  123. Hi again I am now a fan on facebook I really hope I win

  124. Spending some time with my family here at home. Maybe watch a movie and get pizza.
    I am also having a $20 and $10 Subway Gift Card Giveaway on my blog. Come on over and enter to win.

  125. We are making pink pancakes for breakfast and a spaghetti dinner with sparkling grape juice for the kids for dinner. We will probably spend the day at the park.

  126. I am an e-mail subscriber and twitter follower (frugalmomto4)


  127. We will have a yummy family breakfast before we spend the afternoon selling GS cookies!!

  128. I should have one of these binders already considering my connections, however......
    Valentine's Day - It's tradition for my kids to wake up to a little box of chocolates with their names on it and we usually make a special dinner with name cards and gold silverware.

  129. I'm not doing anything for Valentine's day. But the 13th is me & hubby's 10th Anniversary of our first date. In honor of our first date we're first going to the restaurant where we first met, then just like on our first date we're going to the movies & to dessert.

    dramaqueenjrb at yahoo

  130. Since Dan and I were married in February we will be having one big celebration at the end of the month. So Valentines Day will more than likely consist of warm comfy jammies, a bowl of ice cream, and the TV remote (which I will share, but only because its Valentine's Day).

  131. Most likely dinner and a movie

  132. Enjoying a nice, quiet meal (after kids go to bed, of course) at home with my husband.

  133. We have kids, so we're heading to the zoo and the aquarium on V-Day! Can't wait!

  134. I forgot to post yesterday, that I follow you on facebook!

  135. My plans are to spend the day with family!

  136. I'm planning a quiet day at home, and enjoying a good excuse to bake something sweet.

  137. probably dinner alone with fiance.

  138. Plans for Valentine's Day! A special candlelight dinner, with the GOOD china, for the whole family! And chocolate!!!
    downhomelivin at live dot com

  139. Our valentine's Day will be spent at a swim meet for our oldest son!

  140. Since Valentine's Day is on a Sunday, the six of us will go out to eat after spending the morning at worship service...this way I won't have to cook Sunday dinner!

  141. I'm also a follower!!! I love laughing with you and your kiddos...my house is fairly topsy turvy, too!

  142. Unfortunately I have to work (7a-7p), but I plan on leaving some little surprises for the kiddos to find when they wake up.
    Tara, e-mail is tmnieto@yahoo.com

  143. My husband will be out of town so I will be spending Valentine's Day with my two little girls. Maybe we'll go shopping!

  144. yeah! well i think we are going out on a date this year and it might not be taco bell either!!yeah!

  145. I plan to have a special dessert with all my boys! (husband and two sons)

  146. My plan is going to The Melting Pot with my husband and letting him know we're expecting #2 :D

  147. just a nice day with mom thanks for the giveaway

  148. I am cooking a special dinner for my family with of course a heart shaped cake!

  149. I am headed out of town for a vaca with my family!!!



  150. I blogged!




  151. we're going out to eat at our favorite restaurant

  152. We are just planning a quiet dinner at home.

  153. My boyfriend and I are having dinner at my place, and he's cooking :)

  154. ok i have a fan of your now on face book sandy

  155. My husband will be home, so I'm excited to hang out with him. Maybe we'll go out to dinner or something. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway! I hope I win - I would love to pass it on to my father-in-law.

  156. I will be going to church on the actual day, but hubby says we can go to see Dear John on at date one night soon!

  157. I plan on taking my kiddos to the park and getting in some good ol fashion family fun time.

  158. We plan on staying at home with my kiddos

    deanenpr at yahoo dot com

  159. I will be making my husband a huge heart-shaped brownie for Valentine's Day just like I did when we first started dating over 24 years ago!

  160. I have no plans! Maybe make some cupcakes with my wonderful little girls! Make my hubby something yummy! (made your cake recipe - Better than Megan Fox - huge hit!!)

  161. I follow on facebook!


  162. I am a subscriber of your website!


  163. we just go out for a nice dinner
    thanks for the chance
    msboatgal at aol.com

  164. It sounds like snow here so I will probably just hang out at home.

  165. I will be spending the day with my husband and kids! I will cook something good to eat and just hang out around the house.

  166. Well, we were debating going to dinner or staying home... but a family member passed away today :( so we will be most likely spending it in IL preparing for her funeral. (sorry to be a downer!)

  167. tweeted - http://twitter.com/thennl

  168. My hubby and I will go to church and then I plan to cook his favorite meal - meatloaf and mashed potatoes :)

  169. WE will have a yummy dinner and then enjoy some snuggling on the couch watching a romantic film! after all - how many days out of the year can I convince my hubby to watch a chick flick?

  170. We are spending the day with the kids,making cupcakes and such and making it a family day.

  171. Definitely going to chill with the family! We might catch dinner and I want to go to the movies to see "Valentine's Day" but I may have to postpone that for awhile.

  172. We are starting Financial Peace University! How fun is that?!?!

    miamichickens at yahoo dot com

  173. We plan to have a quiet evening at home. My hubby has to work, so my boys and I are going to make a special dinner and we'll all eat together when he gets home. :)
