
Guess what I got in the mail today...

Just in case you are not familiar with what a "blinkie" is, the above picture is an example. They are free coupons in the grocery stores that when you pull one out another magically appears. It is good manners to only take the amount you need that day. 

When I order coupons from a clipping service or ebay I expect that I am getting coupons and paying for coupons from legitimate people who take the time to purchase inserts, cut them out and mail them to me. Imagine my irritation when I got a set of 20 coupons in the mail, expecting "real" coupons only to find that someone STOLE 20 coupons from the store and sold them to me! They were BLINKIE'S for crying out loud. This REALLY pi**ed me off! 
These are the kind of things that ruin couponing for everyone else. 


  1. oh my gosh. that is ridiculous. I would be ticked off too!!!! Where did you order from??

  2. You should post where you ordered from so everyone knows what a lame jerk they are.

  3. i always go on ebay to look for coupons and people sell peelies and even the free publix coupon books. its sad

  4. It's so pathetic that people do this stuff. They are ruining it for us HONEST couponers!!!

  5. Did you contact the seller and let them know you are dissatisfied. Most likely, they are not a couponer so to them, it's no skin of their back. If they did use coupons, they would know the value of "steeling" coupons and how problematic it is for honest people.

  6. I would definitely complain to the seller and to ebay. Unless they're a blinkie we don't get here (like I saw one for Ro-Tel), why should you buy them?

  7. It was on ebay and I have not been able to leave feedback because it has not been 7 days. But I will be emailing them tomorrow and complaining. They had these exact blinkies at my store. But I wasn't going to take them. So when i saw that there were coupons for the same product that is why I bought them. Turns out they were just the same blinkies.
    I went back and reread the item description a few times to make sure I didnt miss anything and they were purposely misleading in the way they advertised them!

  8. Would you mind emailing me the seller? I just started buying coupons on Ebay and really would like to avoid this situation if possible.


  9. The seller is jblack1020
    This is part of the description...
    All coupons are real manufacturer coupons, not fakes, copies, internet, printables, etc. The coupons are free. You are bidding on my time to cut, sort, collect,and send these.
    I guess they really meant the "collect" part....

  10. Looking at the comments/feedback, it looks like that's all the seller has - blinkies. What a jerk. :(

  11. Thats what I am seeing also.
    "Coupons were from a SmartSource coupon machine"
    Another comment!

  12. I see some that I recognize as tearpads, also. This is why we can't have nice things. Some people just don't have any home training.

  13. I have received some of these kind of coupons from a "very reputable" long-time-in-business couponing service........I didn't realize that these were a no-no. It seems that I remember that I didn't even use but two or three of the coupons, which were for Hunt's tomatos.

  14. I guess they didn't really "cut" them either. That is misleading. Well,don't let it spoil your purchases. Atleast you will get your pizzas.

  15. THANK YOU for posting this! It is very irritating that people like this will take advantage of the system and ruin it for the rest of us. I don't mind ordering from a coupon clipping service such as Coupon Clippers (have never had a problem with them) but I have never ordered from e-bay. I would complain to e-bay or at least leave an honest feedback so others can beware. BTW, I love your blog.

  16. I had no idea you could sell coupons on ebay. I throw away so many coupons every week. I feel horrible for just throwing away money. But, honestly, it isn't worth the trouble to cut/sell them on ebay. Too bad you live on the other side of Houston, I would give them to you.

    Shame on that person for selling you coupons that were free.

  17. People are so dishonest! I have begun offering my extras on ebay. You ALL are welcome to bid on mine! I enlist two of my younger children to cut, count, and sort...great educational experience for a 5 and 6 year old. I will offer them weekly...so bid away. And, I PROMISE they are all the real thing cut from booklets or newspaper inserts - just the ones we will not use or extra. My username is olenmyhre (my husband's name).

  18. Coupon criminals are popping up everywhere. I always bought my papers at a local Dollar Tree and have noticed the coupon inserts missing. This has happened to me countless times in the past year. Last week, the culprit stole the insert that had the most valuable coupons but left the smaller one. I'm going to suggest they keep the newspapers behind the counter. So sad someone would do this.

  19. As someone(manager) who works for SmartSource, I'm hoping this isn't an employee who is selling these coupons for a profit. I think it's unethical and probably illegal somewhere in our company handbook.
    And if they are 'past cycle' coupons, when we remove them, some coupons are required to be destroyed.
    Thank you for bringing this to light, I'm going to have to mention this to my Market manager...

  20. Aura Lee can you email me? mylitter@mac.com
    I got a really nasty comment back from them, of course, and they said they were buying them from someone who didn't need them.....
    I don't know if I believe that, but someone is selling tear pads and blinkies that were either supposed to be destroyed or they are stolen from the store.
