
Kroger and Walgreens Deals!

I ran into my Kroger while the girls were in ballet this morning, I didn't have a plan or list, I just needed some chips for my son to take to something at school.
I feel like I did a good job (although not healthy food at all!) just wandering around. 
I paid $7.32 for all this after coupons. 

In the store I found tear pads for $.50 off kettle chips, they doubled to $1.00
They also had a tear pad of Buy 2 kettle chips get a free jar of dip! Sweet I needed the chips anyway might as well get free dip!
I had a coupon for a free bag of chocolate chips, mailed to me from Kroger. 
I had $1.00 off Stacy's
Finally $.35 off the Pringles that tripled to $1.05

** When I checked out I got a catalina for B1G1 free Enfamil Premium Can of formula!!! Holy Cow! Thats about $14 for a free can!

I bolted into Walgreens dragging 2 kids to see if what I could find in 2 min.....

Everything I wanted was gone but I did find the Trident for $.99.
I had 11 coupons for $.75 off from a few weeks ago so I got 11 packs of gum for $3.39.

Then I went home and ate Stacy's pita chips! Yum!



  1. I have a question about Walgreens...
    Tonight my husband and I both went in because I had such a bad experience at another one over the weekend.
    First order was
    2 boxes of Tynenol Cold- I had a coupon for $3 off 2 boxes
    Then one package of Trident gum- coupon 75 cents
    I had him give the two coupons then also the RR coupon for $2
    It beeped at us. They called the manager and they said we could not use the RR. BUMMER. So it cost me $7 something instead of $5 something. He did get the $3 RR

    I purchased 2 excedrin- used my $2 off each box coupons, and then did the trident gum, but did not get the RR for the excedrin.
    We were both so bummed.
    The worst part is I have no clue how to use the RR's. Can you please help me understand the system.
    Jenn- Magnolia Texas

  2. Jenn- The RR count as manufactorer coupons, so when you check out you have to have as many items as coupons. So you basically had 3 coupons and 2 items. If you had thrown in a pencil for $.10 you could have used the RR with no problem.
    Confusing I know!!
    If you go to Coupon101 at the top and look for the post on "fillers" it explains a lot about how to use RR.

    Don't give up, Walgreens is confusing at first, but you will get the hang of it! Email me with any questions!
