
Walgreens: Almost Free toothpaste all month!

At Walgreens for the rest of this month you should be able to get almost free toothpaste. I used all mine for the humanitarian packs for Haiti so I need to stock up again!

$2.29 Toothpaste
-1.50 Walgreens February Coupon Booklet
-0.75 2-7-10 PG
$0.04 Final Price!!

There could be some regional differences in pricing, but it should still result in some nearly free toothpaste for many of you! Thanks



  1. i'm new at drug store couponing, to stock up on these do i need to get multiples of the wags feb coupon book? or can i buy 3 toothpastes in one transaction and use the wags coupon for all? thanks

  2. Robyn, no you should be able to use the Walgreens coupon on all the packs. Usually you just need one coupon and it takes the amount off every item. I am going later today I'lllet you know how it goes!

  3. ooohh, Thanks, I was starting to run low on toothpaste! Last week, I got a Free Pull-ups package coupon, so took it to walgreens and got the pullups for free and 3 RR!!

  4. I guess I was confused. I thought that coupon in the booklet was a manufacutered coupon. I thought it said something about that on it. Yea.

  5. I went today, at my store they were 2.99, so I got mine for .74, still a good deal!, I used my RR to pay.
