A few weeks ago Michelle from
Name Bubbles contacted me about a giveaway. How cool is that??!! They generously sent me some of their products to test out.
Name Bubbles is the leader in name labels, school uniform labels and waterproof labels. They will be giving a lucky reader a PACK of lables!

They sent me two different packs, I did some for the girls and some for the boys. At first I was not sure if I would use many of them as my kids aren't in day care or pre-school.
Was I wrong! These things are quality labels, not the rip-apart kind you have seen other places. The above label I put on Storie's shirt and washed it in every load I did this week (the shirt is still stained by the way). The label stuck
perfectly and still looks new.

I stuck the larger labels on the kids toys that we take to baseball/softball games. We manage to loose something every time we go and with a last name like ours if it has a name on it we are likely to get it back!

I labeled all our books that we take to church and lose there, and all my books that I loan out to friends.

The best labels they have in my opinion are the "
Bubble Toes" these are darling little feet that stick in the kids shoes. I can't tell you how many pairs of Crocs we have lost at swim meets. These are water proof, and the best part, it has helped my little one know which foot goes in which shoe!!! She just looks at the sticker and matches her foot with it! She has worn these all week all day and the label looks perfect still.

I labeled all Rush's sippy cup's and everything he and the girls take to the YMCA when Paul and I go. The ladies at the YMCA were very impressed mostly that Rush's zip lock that I usually throw all his stuff in I replaced with a lunch bag and that his name was actually on everything... thanks to
Name Bubbles. This label is dishwasher safe and believe me I have been testing it! The sippy cup and the storage containers below I washed probably 8 times on hot and the labels haven't budged.

Anyway, I am a huge fan now and am going to change my standard baby shower gifts to these!
Name Bubbles has packs for camp, sports, birthday, school, daycare, nursing home and college. They come in tons of different colors and patterns, go check out her
site and tell me which set you like the best. Name Bubbles will be giving one reader an ENTIRE set!!! The kids will pick a winner on Monday! For a second entry, link my giveaway to your site or follow my blog!
wow those are pretty great. i have a 4 year old in school and his stuff gets lost all the time. these are perfect!
Hi Tiffany,
Man, so many I can't decide! I like the shoe/clothing and dishwasher safe ones, and think your baby shower idea is genius. Please enter me.
Thanks for introducing these!
Okay, those are super cool! I like the water resistant ones myself. These would be perfect for all of my kids sports equipment and clothing that matches everyone else on their team. Where were these when I was a cheerleader in high school with tops, skirts, socks, shoes etc that 24 other girls my age also had.
Thanks for sharing what a cute and unique website I am now a follower,, The bubble things are cool. I tried to leave a message on your blog It wouldn't let me. I will look at it later.
Thanks again Tifffany,
Those labels are AWESOME! Growing up in England we had name labels like this they were boring plain white with your name on that were iron on, and yes my brother and I were those poor kids who had the labels on our underwear!
Those would amazing to have, but my son would tear them off and do whatever with them. He likes to destroy everything he gets his hands on.
Love the sweet treats pattern with the wand - great for my 3 princesses! And easy to pass down clothes and such with just the family last name on things.
I want to enter.
As a substitute I'm amazed by the amount of clothing that kids leave. In just two days I have three jackets sitting in the corner.
The school has one of those GIANT (bigger than a fridge) trashcans JUST for lost clothing from THIS YEAR. Imagine if your kid had name bubbles! YOU'D GET IT BACK.
This idea is pure genius! Why didn't I think of it? Probably b/c I'm not a genius...my favorite are the bubble toes- maybe Emi would finally learn how to wear her shoes properly!
WHat a great idea!! I love the waterproof labels in the circles and stripes. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I like the sweet treats pattern with the wand. My 3 princesses would love it!! We could use labels in everything.
And I love the way you just used your last name - easier to pass things down that way!!
I like the super bubble!
Love the daycare labels! What a great product.
mommy koala at live dot com
cute and clever! count me in....
(Do I have to leave my email? I don't want spammed)
You don't have to leave your email. Just check back Tuesday and see if you won, then contact me or I will try and track you down through your blog.
OOH, I love, LOVE labels, being somewhat compulsive anyways, I love finding new ways to sort, stack, and order my otherwise spastic life.
I love the variety in the daycare pack of labels! Thanks for the offer :)
jillk77 at aol dot com
Love the daycare pack! I am sick of using hospital tape and sharpies! I always mark through on something and ruin it! Cuz I still haven't learned my lesson!!
i love the waterproof labels with the polk a dots!
Found your giveaway on Money Saving Mom's blog...such a cool thing to be handing out. Your kids look really sweet...what a precious family.
Found your blog through the linky on MoneySavingMom. You have a beautiful family. Loved the meatloaf and mashed potatoes cupcake post.. lol I'll be back to read more in the future.
I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old at home, and these Name Bubbles would sure come in handy! I can't tell you how many sippy cups, bottles, shoes, etc. we have lost around here over the last few years!
Thanks for the giveaway, I hope I win!
timloveslavonne (at) aol (dot) com
I have to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I look forward to getting up every morning just to see what's going on with all of you. These labels are great. I love the Bubble Toes and the Sports Labels.
The school labels are my favorite:) Thanks!
the laundry tags are my favorite (sweet treats for my girls - so cute! or redwood sky for the boys) - what a great way to keep track of all the snowpants, mittens, boots, scarves...that all got lost this winter! I also like the tags for sippy cups, diaper bags, etc.
I'd love to enter - thanks! yeager_79 at yahoo dot com
I'll post a link at my blog too! =)
~ Mara
Cute and clever. My mom would have died for these twice over when I was little. I can't tell you how many coats and jackets I lost. I'm sure it was over 50. Sydney didn't get saddled with those genes {whew!} but just in case it would be nice to have any assortment of these including the bubble toes.
I love the waterproof labels. These would be great for my 5, 3, 1 year old and baby on the way!! Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite are the Baby Shower Name Bubbles. What a great gift idea for a baby shower or for my new niece or nephew coming soon. Thanks for the great giveaway and I look forward to trying these someday with my daughter and new little one on the way.
I like the School Pack best.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
What a great idea. My daughter will be going to pre-school soon and I'm sure this would come in handy!
I like the school set the best and the "magic wand" motif.
What a fun giveaway-
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net
I'm entering!
Too cool! We can use those for just about anything. Enter me!
Love them! Could really use the school set.
Love the dishwasher safe sweet stripes with the butterfly! Super cute and a great idea! Heather B.
What a great product! I may have to order some if I don't win :( LOVE the daycare packs and school paack. I thnk the girls would love the wand and for my little boy a sport themed label!
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