So the kids and I went to Kroger to use up the last of my coupons for the Mega Event...
Good thing my oldest was too good to come with us, he would have never fit in the cart!
This is my favorite, my 3 year old was "shopping" for "ketchup, and wools (rolls) and ice cream." Notice the ad is upside down, and her foot propped on the door. Seriously.
At one point the baby escaped... we can't have any of that now can we?
You must know he was screaming bloody murder at this point. Fun times.
Total before coupons, $68.08
After coupons, $15.73
Driving home, we found this guy, who like greased lightning jumped into my lap when I opened the door to grab his collar. I was sad to see him go, I like dog butt in my face, after all. But his owners were glad to have him back. I guess they like dog butt too!
Obligatory purchase picture...

OMG, I am LMAO over here! You are too funny with your pics. I love the dog butt in face pic too! You are too brave shopping with 6 kids!
Can you explain the Hormel deal and the Carnation. I realize they are part of the mega event but how much are you getting them for and what coupons are you using? Thank you for your time.
Ah, sweet screaming baby and dog butt. These are the days! Sounds a bit like my couponing trips.
I love this post. Especially the picture of the tackling of the screaming baby. You're only missing a picture of the grocery cart flipping onto its' side, which happened to me the other night.
You've gotta love how in the middle of wrangling the screaming baby, your one daughter is posing for the picture!
Ok...look at the budding shopper in the car checking out all of the deals for you!! How dare that guy take her coupons from her!
The Hormel Deal-the cans were something like .99 cents each, but then you have a .35 cent coupon which doubled and the cans ended up being .19 cents.
The Carnation milk was on sale for .50 a can. There is a .50 cent of the purchase of two cans coupon. That coupon will double, making two cans of carnation FREE.
Remember for the Mega Event you will need to buy 10 participating items to get the sale price-i.e. 3 coupons for carnation, six cans, 4 chili coupons, 4 cans of chili=10 items.
You make me laugh.. all the time. Chasing baby hit a little to close to home. For some reason my children are very LOUD and I can hear them several isles away when I am trying to hide.
Dog Butt to funny
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