"I just found out a fix for the problem people have been having printing coupons out through windows 7! I thought I would pass it along since I saw some of your readers commented about having this issue as well. You have to change your browser's compatibility settings. Left click on the browser icon and go to "Troubleshooting compatibility" then change the compatibility to Windows XP. Then the coupons will print! I did this with FireFox and it worked like a charm!"
I don't have Windows 7, so I cannot test this out to see if it works. Let us know in the comment section if you're in fact able to print Target coupons now! I really hope it works!!!
** I know several people have already tried this and it will only work for them if they do it EVERY time. Some people it didn't work for at all. Target is aware of the problem and says they are working on it...

This did not work for me using Mozilla Firefox 3.5. I changed compatibility to both Windows XP (service pack 2 & 3) and Windows Vista. I just couldn't get it to work. I also had trouble before with coupons.com, but that is working for me now. Guess I'll just have to wait for Target to catch up.
I have Windows 7.. haven't had a problem yet but now I'm sure I will because my computer just saw this and realized it can now mess up another way.
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