I have been blessed with so much that at this time I would like to give back a little. Below you find a place to leave a link to your blog if you have done a post inspiring others how you are contributing to the people of Haiti. For every link that you leave, my husband and I will be donating $2 additional dollars to the LDS Hamanitarian Fund. With the help of Money Saving Mom, I am hoping to have over 100 link-ups by January 21st 2010.
Many organizations can't accept donations other than cash. One organization that can accept toiletry items ( we have tons of those!) is the LDS Humanitarian Fund, this is a religious organization, but the program provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid to EVERYONE. I give to this organization because 100% of the donations go directly to the people in need. The work is done by volunteers.
If you have extra soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, and other toiletries by the basket full, you can donate these items and be assured that they will get to Haiti. They deliver Hygiene Kits to disaster victims who have lost everything all over the world.
You can drop these off at local church, who will get it to the Humanitarian Relief Fund. Find a church building here. Or mail completed kits directly to the Humanitarian Center.
Although it seems overwhelming, I know that we can all make a difference. We have involved our kids and plan on making 20 Hygiene Kits over the next week and get them sent in. A hygiene kit includes:
Assembly Instructions
2 unbreakable combs (no sharp handles)
4 toothbrushes (packaged)
1 tube of toothpaste (6-8 oz., no pumps)
2 bars of soap (approximately 4 to 5 oz.)
2 hand towels (new towels, approximately 15" by 25". Please do not use dish towels or washcloths. To sew towels, serge or zigzag the edges of terry cloth to make a 15" by 25" towel.)
Place items in a heavy-duty, one-gallon sealable bag. Remove all air before sealing. Place hygiene kits in a cardboard packing box, and take or ship them to the Latter-day Saint Humanitarian Center, or a bishops' storehouse.
Below you find the place to leave your link to help Haiti. Don't have a blog? Write me an email and I can post it for you. ( mylitter@mac.com )
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Thanks for sharing Tiff-I'm a gunna do something!!!
I gave to Compassion International and the Red Cross. Thanks for doing this!
Thanks so much for doing this. I just donated to Partners in Health.
We donated to the American Red Cross this morning. Thanks for using your blog to help convince people to donate.
I now have hope for Haiti! Utilizing the social networking media for such a worthy cause as this is amazing and I am grateful to have a way to help in the small way that I can. Thank you for such a wonderful idea and a way to make a difference in this world.
Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
Our church also took and sent contributions in.
My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!
We gave to Red Cross via txt and YeleHaiti via txt. Thanks for your efforts!
My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.
We donated 50 dollars to Redcross.
I decided to donate to 'Doctors without Borders.' Thanks for all you are doing!!
I've given $10 through the Red Cross text and also plan to give through my church this week.
I donated my Swagbuck points to the cause and am commenting on generous blogs like yours. :)
I'm giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!
We donated to Catholic Relief Services which goes directly to Haiti, and my 6 year old son wants to donate the charity portion of his allowance to Haiti. God bless you, you're doing a great thing!
thank you. I will be sharing heartwarming stories that bring hope and a sense of togetherness and friendship for those who are lost and/or suffering; we all can be that friend, that someone who can make a difference, if only we look a little deeper, and dare to think a little greater... in loving memory of ga
What a wonderful thing you are doing. I pray for all the Haiti people. I am also donating $1.00 for every comment on my blog.
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