Oh, I wish I had a Albertsons! Starting today at Albertsons 3/3 they will have Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, Roll Ups, Fruit by the Foot or Fruit Gushers on sale for only $1.00 a box. Which is a good price for name brand fruit snacks…but this is how to make the deal even better! Remember their is a catalina running on them till 3/21. Thanks Thrifty Mom!
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 2/22 good till 3/21
- Buy 3, get back a $1.50 catalina
- Buy 4, get back a $2.50 catalina
- Buy 5 or more, get back a $3.50 catalina
Here are a few deal scenarios for you:
No coupons still a good deal buy 5 boxes
- Pay $5.00 plus tax
- After you pay get back a $3.50 catalina
- Get 5 boxes only $1.50 ONLY .30 cents a box
- You can then use the $3.50 catalina to pay for another set of 5, pay $1.50 cash and get back another $3.50 catalina…
Buy 5 boxes
- use .50 off 2 coupon printable here, here, here, here, You can print them twice off each site, most of them say do not double.
- use 2 coupon for $.50 cents off
- Pay $4.00 plus tax
- after you pay get back a $3.50 catalina
- 5 boxes for only .50, only .10 cents a box
If you are lucky enough to find peelie coupons for $1.00 off 2 it will turn into a money maker!
- buy 6 boxes
- use 3 $1.00 off 2 coupon found stuck to the box at the store
- pay $3.00 plus tax
- After you pay get back a $3.50 catalina, turns into a money maker

"FYI there is a printable 50 cent off coupon on the target site that is a MQ it DOES NOT say DO NOT DOUBLE i used it today at kroger and it doubled (gonna print more for Albertsons)
I was going to tell you the same thing- I got MQ coupons off the Target site as well. I was really stoked.
But I have to tell you I just got back from the absolute worst shopping trip ever. THE WORST. It was AWFUL! No exaggeration, I swear!
The whole story is worthy of a blog post- which I'll do on my blog soon, (dude, it was soooo bad) but among many other bad coincidences/stupid mistakes, I totally forgot that we don't have Albertson's in California anymore. I just totally forgot. We all still refer to Save Mart as Albertson's and have been SAYING that they are the same thing. So when I pulled up in the Albertson's parking lot and realized it was a Save Mart, I kicked myself at first and then was like, no the stores are the same.. the sales should be the same... Yeah they weren't. And I had like, 15 fruit snacks coupons. I almost cried. I've been hoarding them for a deal like this, and ARGH!
The Pilsbury biscuit deal was not happening at my Safeway either. Another nightmare story. I did manage to find one of those mini cans of biscuits for 39 cents when you buy 4, but you guessed it, they were out. And the clerk argued about writing a rain check for me. Then she wrote me one and limited the quantity to 4- obviously I wanted way more than 4 considering how tiny the cans are- and then she argued with me about writing it for more than 4. Then she sent a clerk to verify the price I was saying was correct (there is now a HUGE line behind me btw)and he comes back and is all, "They are $2.50 a can." I was like, ARGH, OMG and so I walked him back there, showed him the sign, went back to the front, told the checker and she kept looking at the clerk and going, "Are you SURE that's right?" With these big raised eyebrows. Like this is a big conspiracy to get the raincheck. She finally writes it out and then goes on about (lines still there btw) about how I should be really grateful that she gave me the raincheck for X amount because that was against policy.
OMG and that was not even all that went done tonight. That was like half. ARGH!
*down, not done
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