
Huggies: Enjoy the Ride

I appreciate this email that I got from Julia. Huggies Enjoy the Ride is another one of those things that I know I am going to wish that I had jumped on. I go through so many packs of wipes and diapers that it is silly I have not done this.

So I've been using enjoytheridesrewards.com for awhile but I was about to stop using it because I was putting in my codes and didn't know what to do with them or if it would get me anything. Well I decided to look in the rewards catalog the other day and I saw that I could get a huggies diapers coupon for 300 points. So I thought ok I'll try this. Well I got my coupon in the mail the other day and just look at what they sent me!
I was so surprised to see that the coupon was for a free jumbo pack of diapers! I used the coupon with the CVS huggies deal this week! I am back to gathering up all my codes again. I've already cashed in another 300 points for another diapers coupon. I've also seen a wipes and a swim diapers coupon to cash in your points for.
Just thought I'd pass it along!

Thanks Julia! I am going to start putting my codes in!



Unknown said...

What are some good ways to get codes?

Julia said...

The best ways are to get them off of the diapers/wipes/pullups and swim diapers packages that you buy. That's where the most point values come from.