
The Ultimate in Bad Advertising!

Last week I went in for my 2 week check up. My husband came with me and the new baby so that we could also get Andie's PKU done. After 7 children I still can't stand to be in the room when they stick my baby, so my brave husband is the one who holds the baby while the baby and I cry.

My O.B. was running late and my husbands ADD was kicking in, so I teased him and suggested he walk across the hall to the Urologist and pick up some literature. He was glad to get out of the office and took off.

He comes back with a hand full of brochures on non-scalpel techniques for a vasectomy and all the pros and cons of having it done. Well, mostly the pros because apparently there seems to be no cons that are associated, the only one according to my husband is that he is not sure he feels comfortable laying there with his legs in stirrups in front of someone... excuse me?

Did this man really just say that to a woman who has had 7 children? I am going to let that slide or I might have to kill him...

I notice a smirk on his face and he tosses me a rolled up t-shirt.

"Look what they gave me" he laughs.

I unroll it and actually gasp!

"Are you kidding me!" I am laughing so hard I almost pee my pants! "Are they trying to ruin their business?"

We could single handily destroy this poor Urologist's business! Can you imagine if my husband wore this shirt to the mall with all 7 kids tagging behind him!

Wait for it....

Wait for it...

Oh yes! That is really what they are giving out! How funny is that, it is so dumb I am tempted to have him wear it in public with the kids. They should really ask how many kids you have before they want you to be wearing their advertising in public! I think it would scare the cr**p out of people!

And NO, I would never let him actually wear that in public. Actually I don't have to worry about it, he wouldn't be caught dead in it anywhere but in the living room!



Hattie said...

That is too funny! You should let him wear it to the mall with all the kids just to see peoples reaction! Ha! Congrats on the baby too!!!

Amanda said...

This is hilarious! My husband just laughed so hard when I showed him this, then begged me not to get him one! :P

Unknown said...

So, what did your OB say? Love this story!

BeaDandelion said...

I read this in the email reader first and HADDDDD to check out the picture...

I honestly expected it to say something about... "unless you WANT a half dozen or more kids..."

But that is still kinda funny. Have the kids asked what that mean?

Amy said...

so funny! My hubs had it done and it was pretty easy. whole thing took less than 30 minutes. of course, he whined for days...

Katie said...

Hilarious!! My husband refuses to have a vasectomy because he has heard too many horrible experiences and thinks I should have my tubes tied! It really bothers me because like you after giving birth to 7 children (3 vaginally and 4 c-section) I have a hard time finding ANY sympathy for the man! What are they thinking? I NEED that shirt...cause I would wave it in front of him, just to bait him! :)

Lady Atherton said...

congrats on the newest addition. My hubby got the snip snip for my birthday last month. I watched the whole thing and couldn't stop giggling (the difference between a guy's lower half exam and what we are subjected to with ice cold speculums and a little paper napkin to cover your whole entire naked self was a little too much for me).

We travel a lot, and with our 5 little blondies following us down the aisle in the airplane, we often get asked if they are all ours. (No, we like to pick up random kids and take them on transatlantic flights all the time...you know, for funsies.) A friend recommended that that we start answering that we work for Trojan and that these are the customer returns.

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh, I am going to use that line... they are customer returns! That is hilarious!

123 checkoutourfamily said...

hahaha...I use to teach Kindergarten and met a dad that was snipped after 5 kids. Well, apparently it didn't work b/c they had another one. The dr was convinced his wife must have been unfaithful b/c he had NEVER had that happen before.