Tylenol PM is on sale right now at Walgreens for $2.99
use the $2 printable Tylenol coupon AND the $1.50 Tylenol coupon from the Walgreens March 2010 Coupon book to get it for FREE with a $0.50 overage!
** make sure that you hand them the Manufacturers coupon before the Walgreens coupon so that the register doesn’t beep. The $0.50 overage can be applied towards anything else you are purchasing in the same transaction. Thanks for the great deal Mindi!

Just left a comment under the BC fruit snacks post (under my hubby's account oops) there is a printable MQ on the target site that should double!
Ok...so this has NOTHING to do with Tylenol at Walgreens, but I can't figure out another way to get in touch with you!!! Several months ago, before you switched to mylitter.com, you had an instructional DIY project involving a clipboard that you had creatively decorated. Is there any way that I can get to that instructional? I am wanting to make it for my child's student teacher who will be leaving soon! You can email me at jasonhbranch@yahoo.com. Thanks!
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