I am reposting this one for a reader who was looking for it!
For a Women's activity at my church I was given the assignment to come up with a decorated clipboard. I never get the time or would have taken the time on my own to play around with any crafts right now, so I guess I should be thankful it was an assignment, that meant I HAD to do it :) Right?
For a Women's activity at my church I was given the assignment to come up with a decorated clipboard. I never get the time or would have taken the time on my own to play around with any crafts right now, so I guess I should be thankful it was an assignment, that meant I HAD to do it :) Right?
I started with a regular composition notebook (.50 cents at Walmart) and scrapbooking paper. I traced the cover and back and cut to match the size of the cover.
I coated the backside of the clipboard with a thin layer and placed the paper on top. When it was dry I did the front side. When that was dry I did a think layer over the top of the paper to help seal it down. It only takes about 20 minutes to dry.
While watching a movie with my husband, I trashed my living room floor with scrapbooking supplies to embellish the covers. We were watching Juno, I hadn't seen it before, it was a cute movie.
This is one set when done! The little book in the left hand corner is a little post it note embelished book. I used velcro on the cover to hold it closed. It turned out really cute! The directions to make one are HERE.
This set has a smaller clipboard with buttons. I like the bigger clipboards better but I wanted other to have options, thats always fun isn't it!

I love the bright colored flowered set! I would totally use that with my girls club at church and the girls would love to make them! Pick me, pick me! :)
I love them both! Where do you find time?!
My last crafty thing I made was my younger daughter - 12 years ago. It was a gold mine. I never have to use glue again.
Love the bright flower set!Great ideas!
You did a great job! I love paper crafts and make BIG messes all the time:) I'd love to win the paisley print set.
You did a great job! I love paper crafts and make BIG messes all the time:) I'd love to win the paisley print set.
I like the bright flowery one - and hmm the last crafty thing I did. . . ugh. . .I'm not crafty in the least! I painted some furniture, hardly crafty!
I love the bright floral set. So creative! Last crafty thing...hmmm...I do digital scrapbooking all the time...oh, and I recently scanned and printed some of my kids' artwork to iron onto plain old reusable grocery bags. Fun project!
Seriously - I want to know how you have time to make such CUTE stuff, raise 6 kids, and have such a great blog??? Seriously!!! I would love either - I think I'd choose the bright flowered one. Thanks!
I love both who can choose?! I guess I will choose the pink set. Both really are great though. Awesome job!
love the bright floral one. You may have inspired me to get crafty :) Had considered making these during the school year but...never happened!
What a wonderful idea! The last crafty thing I made was our yearbook pages for our homeschool year book! :)
These are awesome!! I would love either, but particularly love the bright floral ones. I love to stamp and make homemade cards, but haven't made too many since my 3rd baby was born 7 mos ago. I've got to get back into it ... maybe this weekend I'll be inspired!
Those are so cute! I love the paisley one. And I needed a craft idea. I might try and make this.
Fun fun fun and really really cute! You're crafty too :) I love the floral one.
How cute! You're very crafty...I love the Paisley one!
Either one would do it for me!! Very Cute. I like to sew. Right now I am making a quiet book. I have a grandchild on the way. Never mind that I am only 36.
These are so stinkin cute! I love the bright colors, and the post-it holder, oh how I love post-its. The last crafty thing I think I did was turn the entire family into cows, thanks for that tip too!
I made a scrapbook for one of my classes and it turned out pretty cute I think. I like the second one.
they are both so cute.
I wanted to answer the question about what the last crafty thing I made was, it was a pin wheel and the first one didn't work--seriously. You can read all about it here
wow trying to find that took longer than I thought, maybe I guess it wasn't the last crafty thing I made, but it sure was the most memorable thing
Love the flower set! Esmommy2000@yahoo.com.
I love the loud flowery set:-) annabananafive@gmail.com
Love them both! What a cute idea! I was addicted to making felt food a few months ago, strawberries, eggs, donuts, bananas...
Those are neat! I like the bold flower set. Thanks for the giveaway and instructions...maybe I'll try it...I said maybe!
What a great idea. I've printed this blog to tackle it when the kids are back in school. I love them both!
I am a fan of the paisley set. I too am amazed at how you do all that you do. What time do you put your kids to bed?
they are both so cute! I am going to have to say the pink one.
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I like the paisley one
I am the least crafty person out there. But we did make some terrific Valentine's Cards with the youth group at church. I used some cool clearance paper and card stock. I'd love the pretty flower set.
The Beautiful Flower Set would be Great. Please Sign Me Up. The last crafty thing I made was a birthday card for a male relative that is on the Family Fun Magazine website as an idea for a Fathers Day card. It is a shirt with a tie. (I wasn't sure if I could put the link on here or not)
Those are pretty tiffany! I always have a hard time doing the composition books. I like doing the notebooks that you attach a keychain ring with pen. I also love doing beaded pens. The last crafty thing I did is I'm working on Tifani's Party stuff!
How creative, and stylish -
I don't have a working sewing machine, so I hot glue everything (curtains, pillows, costumes).
I think these are going to be christmas presents for teachers and the secretaries at my husbands school! I make 20+ homemade gifts yearly for them as a thank you... the last crafty thing I made must have been the Snowman Soup for them for christmas, or the baby blanket for our newest little one! You really do some cool things Tiffany! I have 5, my oldest is 7... and I try, but you are in inspiration!
Jen octnjen@comcast.net
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
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