Ohh 2 year olds! You gotta love them, AND have a sense of humor, or you might send them off to the circus or the zoo until they are older. But then you would get them back and want to send them off again because they would be 3 and that is another set of issues!
1st child colors all over self with marker: I scream, thinking it might be blood, when I realize it is not, I cry. I quickly wash him up and don't tell anyone because they might think I am a bad Mom.
2nd child colors all over self with marker: Again, it scares me, I choke back tears that somehow for 5min, I had no idea what they were doing. I quickly wash the child up and tell Dad when he gets home.
3rd child colors all over self with marker: I am stunned I would have another kids that would do this! I wash them off, slightly annoyed, and swear I am never going to buy markers again! My husband thinks the child has a rash when he gets her ready for bed, nope just marker.
4th child colors all over self with marker: Now I am mad, I throw all the markers away and declare that we will never have markers in the house again! I ask the bigger kids why they let the little one do this?! I wash the child up when I have the chance. The bigger kids tell Dad when he gets home, they think it is funny.
5th child colors all over self with marker: Really? I decide they all must just be artists. My husband walks around singing, " I fought the marker... and the marker won!" We throw the little one in the pool to wash off.
6th child colors all over self with marker: I think what is wrong with him? Is he O.K.? why did it take so long! Should we take him in for testing, maybe he isn't developing at the correct rate??? I also suggest to him to use blue next time, that is my favorite color and would have looked nice with the red and purple...
It's also a day and a half later and it is still there, I suppose if it doesn't come off in the pool today I will have to actually do some scrubbing. : )
He's a cutie for sure! I can see why you keep having more! I too swear I'm going to get rid of all the markers with my 3, but yet, they still stick around!
Love your story. :o) Wonder what #7 is gonna do!
Oh boy can I relate, love this post...funny how things change from one kid to the next isn't it. I actually started to tear up reading about your reaction with your first because I remember feeling that way about a lot of stuff with my first...now I just shrug most every thing off and barely blink an eye! I guess at this point I don't care what kind of mom other people think I am, I know and that's all that matters (most days, ha, ha).
I love your sense of humor! We "try" to only keep washable markers on hand, but somehow the regular ones always find their way back into the house.
Reminds me of another story. 1st kid eats a quarter and you freak out and run to the emergency room, 2nd kid eats one and you wait for it to pass, 3rd kid eats a quarter and you deduct it from their allowance. I'm curious what you would do with kids 4-7!!! Too funny, I love reading the posts about your kids.
OMG How funny is this? My capcha is "mentl" LOL fitting of this post perfectly!
SO cute and funny! You could just pour some bubbles into the pool. lol That equals as a bath right?
both of my kids have done this too but I think mine involved a permanent marker.
Thank you for making me laugh out loud today. GREAT STUFF!!! :) :) :)
That is hilarious! Love it! I needed a laugh!
It took me three kids and 27 years to figure it all out. I just today am getting brave enough to give Adam a crayon at 18 months. Its been twenty-one years since I handed one of my kids a crayon and didn't regret it. Hope it goes well.
My little one got into my school bag (I'm a teacher) and got my highlighter. I caught him with the cap off. I looked all over him, couldn't find any marks, didn't think anything of it (not a mark around the house). Later on, got him ready for bed (he was 18 months), put on a new diaper and couldn't figure out what was bright green inside his belly button. Rushed him out to my husband who said, "Wasn't he playing with your green highlighter this morning?" Needless to say he colored in his belly button with green highlighter. :)
Love it! My son at 18 months drew a full beard on himself with permanent marker. Gotta love their little imaginations!
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