This is a REPOST from last spring, another friend and I were talking about ideas for parties so I told her I would repost it...
My dear friend had a fabulous idea for a little girls birthday party. Like all elementary school age children, her daughter and all of my girls are really into Webkinz. The little stuffed animals that you can register on line and play with.
My dear friend had a fabulous idea for a little girls birthday party. Like all elementary school age children, her daughter and all of my girls are really into Webkinz. The little stuffed animals that you can register on line and play with.
She sent out darling little invitations that asked the girls to bring any Webkinz they had, if they didn't have one the Birthday girl has one they could borrow.
Ahead of time my friend Kelly, sewed "beds" for the Webkinz out of fleece and tassel's she found at Walmart. She didn't finish them completely so the girls could work on them. Each girl picked her colors and Kelly showed them how to stuff them with batting and whip stitch them closed. A BIG hit with 8 year old girls! This is my daughter's below, she sleeps with it and her Webkinz. They played games with the Webkinz and Kelly set up her computer to their T.V. so that it had a big screen where all the girls could see. They went to the Webkinz website and let all the girls show each other their pets online. Another BIG hit!
I used the Wilton teddy bear cake pan as a mold and used a heavy pound cake batter.
Next, I cut and shaped the teddy bear into a frog shape with a narrower nose. I used extra thick buttercream frosting to build up the back part of the frog to give him his "frog" shape. I decorated him on the cookie so I didn't have to move him later. I made the lilly pad he is sitting on out of frosting but next time might do it out of colored chocolate. I think it turned out cute and looked just like her Webkinz!
My daughter LOVED this party and talks about it to this day.
With 6 kids I have a lot of parties to do. My kids only get a "friend" party on their even birthday's. They get a family one every year. So they spend a good deal of time trying to think of exactly what they want to do. I also usually only have them at home as I refuse to pay the enormous amount party places charge. I have found the parties at home to be more fun for the kids although more work for me!
What have been you kids favorite birthday party ideas and theme's? What was a success and what didn't work out so well?!
Your cake turned out GREAT! I love the pillow idea too. I haven't done this yet, but was thinking about have a decoupage party where the girls create something..not sure what yet. I also do a lot of stamping and my girls love that too so I was also considering having a small stamping party. Again, haven't tried them yet, but I think we'll be doing one of them this year.
My daughters went to a princess/castle party and they loved it. They made crowns and a jeweled/beaded mirror. The mom made the best cake I have ever was a HUGE 3 dimensional castle that had amazing detail!! It would also be fun to have a baking party where the girls decorate their cupcakes in a unique way and they could use the "tools" to make them extra special. My girls get excited when they can use the bags and tips!
Wow. You did that??? We are beyond impressed! That's some skill right there.
That cake is so stinkin' cute!!!!!!!
This year our son wants a Speed Racer party. One month to go and I think I know what we'll be doing!
When we have kids I'm moving next door to you. Amazing cake.
I love that cake!
As the mom who's daughter was the lucky recipient of the above frog (cause her bday was on leap day)webkin cake, I have to add.... not only was it the coolest cake I have ever seen... it also tasted great! And I don't usually like cake, but it was sooooo good! Tiffany is AMAZING!
You did a great job on the cake, I'm impressed
Thanks guys, I really was more impressed with Kelly's idea for the party! It was very good!
Wilton makes it easy to do their cakes, they have really easy instructions when you buy one of their pans.
My favorite party (I've only really done two,) was for my son, and he had a superhero party. I made simple white capes for each of the kids, and let them each decorate their own with fabric markers.
Beware, though, you should let the parents know that they will be using non-washable markers, so they can dress their kids appropriately!
Anyway, after decorating their capes, they went through a super-hero training course (obstacle course,) and then spent most of their other free time playing superheroes!
It ended up being a lot of work to get all the capes done, but the party was fairly easy, and I didn't feel like I constantly had to find things for the kids to do while I was setting up the food, or cutting the cake, or cleaning wrapping paper!
That is a really cool idea! I am saving that one for Rush!
We had only had 1 party. We did a super hero training center. THey each made a mask while waiting for everyone to arrive. Once everyone was ready we had several games to "test" their "abilities". Team work was tested by putting everyone in a circle with the birthday boy in the middle. Tie the end of a yarn ball to the middle child. They take turns throwing the ball and wrapping it around their waists. When you have a good web, throw some stuffed animals on the web and they have to work together to get them off. We painted rocks green to call kryptonite. The kids had to pick them up with long salad tongs and run across the yard and deposit them in an "iron" box. We tried to think of several super heros special ablity and then a game to test that ability. Then while this is all going DH dressed up like a villan and would do things to sabatage their training and " desroy all birthday fun...forever!". He came in and dumped balloon "bombs" that had to be popped. He stole their goody bags and left a convientent trail to track. Finally he tried to steal the cake and the kids all got to spray him with silly string. Finally there was a pinatta to test their strength. We had the whole thing scripted out. I am not sure who had more fun the kids or DH. The only problem was trying to keep control with so many little boys. Next time we will put more limits!
My daughter's 16th birthday was probably my favorite. Her birthday falls right after Halloween so she wanted a Zombie Bash! We handmade invitations that consisted of a pencil drawing of a cadaver's foot with the party info written on a toe tag, then mounted on a black card and tied with a blood red ribbon. For the party we had a projector set up which shined across my entire living room wall playing Night of the Living Dead. After all the kids arrived we set out face paint, fake blood, and loads of press of tattoos of scabs, cuts, puncture wounds, etc. They made themselves and each other up then we walked "zombie style" in the dark down the street to the empty field by my house and took photos. A field full of teenage zombies!! A site to see!! Then we walked back home, terrorized a couple of neighbors driving by, and then settled down to watch Shaun of the Dead on the livingroom wall while eating loads of junk food. Inexpensive party, but loads of fun! The guests said it was the best birthday party they had ever been to.
I hate to be nosy but I am curious what your kids names are. Let me know if you are willing to share.
First off, CUTEST CAKE EVER!!! And placing it on a cookie bottom was adorable! My oldest is turning 5 in March and we've already begun planning. His favorite thing in the world is to run and play in the dirt (typical boy). So, since my parents have a few acres of land, we are going to get a dump truck load of dirt for the back yard and have a "treasure hunt" with lots of burried treasure in the dirt. My son is thrilled and can't wait for his party. Since he loves trains, we are also going to have train tracks set up on the back porch (which is large) so all the kids can play trains also.
amazing cake!
we did something sort of similar once. have you seen those stuff your own at home build a bears? They sell them at walmart or target? I think there was a generic version of them once? lilltle lovables fluff factory? or something? well we got that and everyone got to fluff up their animal and we made paper crowns for them and homemade clothes somehow out of a simple pattern with fabric glue. It was fun.
Tiffany- I don't mind, Tucker, Emma, Paige, Avery, Storie, and Rush.
love the cake! My dd made a build-a-bear kit and sewed it up with a little help from me. She loved it too. Maybe we could remodel her baby crib using your idea! Thanks!
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